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Buyers' trust perceptions on electronic commerce: an inter-temporal perspective
Julio Carneiro-da-Cunha
Hamilton Correa
Joao Passador
2012, International Journal of Business and Management Science, 1(6)
Each year, electronic commerce gains more relevance in retail scenario, what brings along new tendencies for retailers. In this virtual transaction, trust assumes an important role for study, since it's fundamental to viable buyer-seller transaction. Hence, 43 trust attributes embedded in e-commerce literature review were used as independent variables to verify which ones play significant role in buyer's trust construction and perception. Utilizing multiple linear regression analysis, results demonstrated that there're eight variables that better justify buyers trust perceptions: trust in utilized technology; positive experience in previously transactions; belief in seller's competence; influence of other's opinions; maintenance of buyer's privacy; deception over the whole Internet mechanisms; predisposition to trust on sellers; product information available on website. These results demonstrate, first of all, variables the better explain trust perception on the e-commerce, pointing out where managers should invest their resources to increase this trust.
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