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Industry 4.0 as an enabler of proximity for construction supply chains: A systematic literature review
Patrick Dallasega
Erwin Rauch
2018, Computers in Industry, 99, pp.205-225
The fourth industrial revolution (Industry 4.0) is changing not only the manufacturing industry but also the construction industry and its connected supply chains. Construction supply chains (CSCs) have specific characteristics, such as being temporary organizations that require high coordination efforts to align the processes of supply chain actors. The concept of proximity is used to analyze synchronization between suppliers and the construction site. This article presents a framework for explaining Industry 4.0 concepts that increase or reduce proximity. We find that Industry 4.0 technologies mainly influence technological, organizational, geographical and cognitive proximity dimensions. This presents benefits and challenges for CSCs. This framework is based on the results of a systematic literature review of scientific papers and analysis of applicability through practical publications and examples from industrial case studies.
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