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Project Management: A strategic planning approach
2005, Palgrave Macmillan, 340 pages
Project Management A Strategic Planning Approach provides a comprehensive overview of project management practice which carefully balances the unique aspects of the project managment curricula with the more general business skills. Thses include leadership and managing quality, risk and teams. This book covers the analytical aspects of network analysis, scheduling, earned value analysis and incentive contracting. It also covers the business aspects of project management, including how to recongnise the need for a project, how to manage a project according to a life-cycle model, how to select a project team using a range of leadership skills ans how to manage risk and quality on projects. IProject Management A Strategic Planning Approach: - integrates theory and practive to help dev velop students' skills in project management -possesses a strategic focus encouraging students to appreciate the 'bigger picture' as well as the finer detail of day-to-day project management. - contains questions, exercices and mini case studies enabling students to interact with the material and practise their skills - is appropriate for use at a range of levels from undergraduate to MBA and speciliste master's degree programmes
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