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Regifting: A Multi-Perspective Processual Overview
Caroline Munoz
James Hutton
2015, Journal of Business Research, 68(9), pp.1997-2004
Regifting is explored through content and thematic analysis of self-reported stories about regifting exchanges narrated by regifters, regiftees, original gift givers and observers. Analyses reveal four modes of regifting, diverse tactics employed by regifters, a variety of cues that signal regifts, as well as emotional, relational and behavioral outcomes of regifting. Findings highlight the need to examine regifting as a phenomenon related to but distinct from traditional, dyadic gift giving, and to incorporate aspects of systemic and communal gift-giving models. This research redefines the boundaries, forms, and characteristics of regifting based on consumers' perceptions, and highlights implications of regifting for the ethos of traditional gift giving.
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