CENTRE DE RECHERCHECentre for Sustainability Studies



SKEMA Centre for Sustainability Studies : Événements


La Conférence GRONEN 2024 aura lieu du 27 au 30 Mai 2024 sur le Campus Grand Paris de SKEMA Business School.

Séminaires en 2023-24

Comparative efficiency of blockchain governance: Sustainability in the fashion supply chain

Albert-Jolink.pngDate : 28 septembre 2023

Horaire : 13h - 14h30

Lieu : Campus Grand Paris et en ligne

Albert Jolink, Professeur - Skema Business School

Synopsis : Our research examines how transactions can best be governed by blockchain. We extend transaction cost economics from the analysis of markets, hybrids, and hierarchies to include a discriminating alignment of di<erent types of blockchain governance. We model and visualize the comparative e<iciency of public, consortium, and private blockchains. Public blockchains economize on mundane transaction costs, consortium blockchains on transaction costs driven by lawful opportunism, and private blockchains on transaction costs driven by blatant opportunism. We illustrate our model in the empirical context of an application of blockchain to fashion supply chains with the purpose of mitigating hazards from unsustainable practices and counterfeits. Our paper responds to recent calls for more research on blockchains as governance structures. 

Navigating the Critical Challenges of Decarbonization in Industrial Electronics supply chains​

Flavia-Cicerelli.pngDate : 19 octobre 2023

Horaire : 13h - 14h30

Lieu : Campus Grand Paris et en ligne​

Flavia Cicerelli, Doctorante - Politechnico di Torino​

Synopsis : ​​Electronics is everywhere in modern Western societies, but so is its environmental impact. Several companies operating in industrial electronics supply chains are attempting to achieve tangible improvements in the sustainability of their products and processes, but they are facing numerous challenges. During this seminar we will delve into the practices adopted by focal companies in engaging their suppliers in their decarbonisation journey, by distinguishing the power levers that influence cascading sustainability practices in the upstream supply chains. Qualitative evidence shows that Multi-Tier Sustainable Supply Chain Management (MTSSCM) is still in its infancy, with only a few companies implementing more sophisticated engagement practices, such as financial incentives and collaboration. As a consequence, the development of radical innovations for decarbonization lags behind, highlighting the complex and interdependent challenges faced in reshaping the electronics industry for a more sustainable future.

Revisiting prenatal care and birthweight: insights from Programa Bolsa Família

Victor-Motta.pngDate : 16 novembre 2023

Horaire : 13h - 14h30

Lieu : Campus Grand Paris et en ligne​

Victor Motta, Professeur associé - Skema Business School

Synopsis : Low birthweight is a major public health challenge in many low- and middle-income countries, since it is considered an important predictor of child survival and the key to reducing under-five mortality in developing countries. One of the recommended policies to improve infant health is increasing access and utilization of prenatal care. This study uses both OLS and quantile regression to estimate the e<ect of prenatal care visits on birthweight in Brazil. We use the distance from the mother's residence to the health center as an instrument for prenatal care. In addition, we estimate the e<ect of a conditional cash transfer program - Programa Bolsa Família - on the relationship between prenatal care and birthweight.​

Rarely pure and never simple: A configurational approach to the influence of social movements on moral markets

Panikos-Georgallis.pngDate : 7 décembre 2023

Horaire : 13h - 14h30

Lieu : Campus Grand Paris et en ligne

Panikos Georgallis, Professeur associé de stratégie, Amsterdam Business School, Université d'Amsterdam

Synopsis : Social movements have been responsible for the surging growth of several moral markets, sectors that emerge to address social or environmental problems. But while we know how activists shape policies and motivate producers in such markets, less is known about how they shape cross-national adoption patterns. In this paper, we take as our starting point the idea that the outcomes of social movements tend to be combinatorial in nature; that they depend on context; and that a comparative perspective can yield new insights into the complex e<ects of movements on markets. We use data from various sources—e.g. industry trade press, social movement organizations’ annual reports and archives, World Values Surveys—and use fuzzy-set Qualitative Comparative Analysis (fsQCA) to analyze growth in solar energy consumption across European countries sampled over di<erent time periods. Preliminary results on how political, cultural, and industry opportunity context interact with movement conditions to shape national adoption patterns are suggestive of the equifinal nature of moral market growth. 

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